Main Menu |
You may change or select options on the main menu by clicking on them with the mouse.

Select to begin a new Westward III game.

Launches your most recent save. |

Load a previously saved game.

Sandbox mode allows you to play various individual maps.

Add, delete or create new profiles.

View game options and adjust settings. |

View awards received during game play.

Launch Westward III help pages.

View game credits.

Exit the game and return to desktop.
New Game Menu |
When you choose to begin a new game, you will be asked to select one of the following heroes as your main character. |

Polly Hatchet:
Polly is fiercely independent, resourceful, and skilled at wrangling and ranching. Her husband served in the war with Mexico under General Amos Cutter, but he was killed in action. After a mighty storm tore through her ranch and left her nearly destitute, she traveled West in hopes of striking it rich and starting a new life. Playing as Polly will unlock the Ranch for free. |

Amos Cutter:
General Cutter is a retired military general who served in the war with Mexico in 1846. After the U.S. won the war in 1848, and the treaty of Guadelup Hidalgo was signed, General Cutter headed home. Always prone to helping those in need, General Cutter met Redd and his family during his trip home. Underneath the General's calm, gentlemanly manner, and the slight limp from an old war wound, he is a shrewd tactitian and a crack shot.
Playing as Amos will unlock the Gun Shop for free. |

Shawnee Longfeather:
Shawnee Longfeather is the daughter of an Iroquois medicine woman and an American military captain. Her father was called up to serve in the war against Mexico, but never returned. When she was old enough to leave her tribe, Shawnee's desire for adventure led her out West to start a new life. She is tough and resourceful, skilled in both tribal medicine and living off the land.
Playing as Shawnee will unlock the Tannery for free. |

Return to the main menu.

Select to play the game with your chosen character.
Options Menu |
You may change or select options on the options menu by clicking on them with the mouse.

Detail Levels: Adjust the graphical settings in-game using either the Low, Medium or High settings, depending on your computer. |

Effects: Set to Low if you are having trouble running Westward III normally on your machine. When 'Effects' are set to Low, only two of the three zoom levels will be available in-game.

Buildings: Changing the Buildings detail from High to Low will lower the graphical detail of buildings. |

Terrain: Changing the Terrain setting from High to Low will lower the graphical detail of environmental images.

Sound Effects: Use the slider to raise or lower the Sound Effects volume heard in the game.

Music: Use the slider to raise or lower the Music volume level heard in the game. |

Select to play Westward III in Full Screen mode.

Select to play Westward III in Windowed mode. |

Adjust the screen resolution in the game. |

Press to accept the changes made to the game options. These settings will be saved. |
In-Game Menu |
You may change or select options in the in-game menu by clicking on them with the mouse.

Resume playing Westward III.

To save your progress, you must select one of the save slots. When saved properly, you will receive a confirmation message stating the save was successful. |

Load a previously saved game file.

View the game options and adjust the settings. |

View the trophies you have received while playing Westward III, or view additional trophies available in the game.

Quit the current game and return to the main menu. Before exiting, you will be asked if you would like to Quit, Save & Quit or Cancel.