In Lost Legends: The Weeping Woman, you are a newspaper reporter who travels to San Cristobal, Mexico for their annual festival, Flores de los Muertos. The festival is thrown by the town each year in an effort to appease the Weeping Woman, a spirit who haunts the town and kidnaps small children.
For many years the children were safe, but recently the disappearances have begun again, on the eve of the festival. As you arrive in San Cristobal and begin to settle in, another small child disappears right before your eyes! Is the Weeping Woman back to her old ways? Will you be able to stop her and save the children?
Well, with our Lost Legends: The Weeping Woman Walkthrough, you will!

Our Lost Legends: The Weeping Woman Walkthrough contains everything you'll need to know to solve this ghostly mystery, including detailed instructions, custom screenshots, and solutions to all the puzzles you'll encounter as you play.