I am a time management junkie. There. I said it. I love the challenge of racing against the clock in order to accomplish some goal and win some arbitrary golden trophy that lives on a virtual shelf in my game. I can't help myself.
When I find a really challenging time management game, it's gloves off and clear my schedule because me and this game are going to go head to head until one of us cracks.
When it came to Green City... I almost passed it by. It didn't seem that exciting. But on a lazy Sunday afternoon with nothing else to play, I decided to give it a try...

OMG... I honestly don't think I've come across a time management game before that has truly challenged me as much as Green City. Each level takes careful planning and quick clicking in order for you to make expert time. I can't tell you how many times I had to go back and repeat the level... and I STILL didn't get expert!!
After a few hours of frustrating, if extremely entertaining, gameplay, my husband decided he was going to show me how it was done... well, that was cute. It wasn't long before he started yelling at the screen because he kept missing the times as well...
Green City.... where have you been all my life? Here's a game that stumped even my video game extremist husband. I could do a dance of joy. That's probably not nice... but really... is there anything more infuriating than having someone come in on something that's giving you trouble and immediately accomplish it? I don't think so!
Anyhow, after a fun throwdown with the game, I decided we HAD to have a Green City Walkthrough, and so Ann's been hard at work tackling this one.
As usual, she's included video solutions for each and every level along with detailed instructions. This way, I try to follow her instructions first, and, if all else fails... I watch the video to see exactly what I need to do to hit expert.
If you're a time management fan, and you haven't tried Green City, you need to stop what you're doing and hit the download button. I guarantee after a few minutes, you'll be hooked! Lucky for you our Green City Walkthrough is here to lend a helping hand whenever you need it!