I’ll admit, the first thing I did upon finding Death Upon an Austrian Sonata: A Dana Knightstone Novel was to laugh. That is one loooooong title (and so descriptive!). But after digging around a little bit I discovered this was the third game in the Dana Knightsone Novel series, and the first two (and this one) had some pretty decent reviews. So I chuckled one more time and then jumped in.

I do not regret the impulse. Death Upon an Austrian Sonata: A Dana Knightstone Novel (still so long!) was a good time. I thought the graphics were lovely, I loved the scenery and settings, and I didn’t hate the voice actors (which is a big deal coming from me). I was also really fond of the plot, which kept the story moving and was interesting enough to retain my attention and curiosity (I love a good ghost story/romance mash up).
Death Upon an Austrian Sonata: A Dana Knightstone Novel is definitely a game for people who love a good challenge. The hidden object areas were not only gorgeous, they also made you use your thinking cap (Keeping in mind I’m halfway through finals; the fact that I’m willing to put my thinking cap on while off campus should really say something.). I also had fun with the puzzles, which were varied enough to keep me from getting bored.
One big downside for me was the lack of a map. There are a lot of hints that help guide you, but I always feel like a rat in a maze without that overview option. I’m no good at keeping directions/where I’ve been/where I’m supposed to be going in my head, and I’m extremely prone to distractions. Put the lack of a “bigger picture” on top of that, and you start adding stress where stress aught not be.
Luckily, I had our trusty Death Upon an Austrian Sonata: A Dana Knightstone Novel Walkthrough by my side the entire time (I’m so grateful I got talked into getting a second monitor).
Even though I may not have had a map to guide me, all I needed to do was consult our walkthrough guru (via her amazing walkthrough) and I lost that lost feeling.
And that’s not all it’s good for! This baby is packed full of helpful tips and custom screenshots. So whether you need a roadmap buddy (like me) or you just want to be able to flash over to it to ensure you’re taking the right steps, our Death Upon an Austrian Sonata: A Dana Knightstone Novel Walkthrough is sure to be the cure for what ails ya (especially if you use it before the ail-ing sets in!)