Loosely based on the famous works of Edgar Allan Poe, the Dark Tales games are always a sure thing. It's always so exciting to discover what story they've selected to base their next game on, although a tiny little part of me wishes they would stick to a more honest rendition of the tale... there's so much great material to work with, couldn't they just add a sliver more of what the original story was about?
Although, I suppose there would be a lot of tragic endings then as Poe wasn't really known for his optimistic and upbeat narratives.
This time, they've selected The Masque of the Red Death to base the game on. The story involves a masked individual murdering the town officials, but instead of a clean cut case of a psychopath on the loose, he's portrayed as more of a liberator of an oppressive and corrupt government. Still, probably doesn't give him free reign to go about murdering folks, but that's up to you to figure out.
And, to help you with this hefty decision, we've taken it upon ourselves to put together a Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque of the Red Death Walkthrough, which will walk your through your investigation, offering up hints and insights as you play.

We've made sure to include a detailed report of how to go about your investigation from the moment you arrive in this troubled town. You'll find step-by-step instructions ready to guide you as you get drawn deeper and deeper into the story, as well as custom screenshots, clearly marked to draw your attention to key evidence. And finally, we've included tried and true solutions to puzzles and mini-games that will attempt to hinder your investigation.
Can you get to the bottom of what's really going on in this tiny hamlet? Is the mayor truly an upstanding individual? Is the man in the mask the villain? Find out with our Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Masque of the Red Death Walkthrough at your side!