Our Agency of Anomalies: The Last Performance Walkthrough will lead you through the mysterious world of the supernatural theater. Use your investigative skills to save the performers and unravel the plot of the secret brotherhood known as The Seekers. Let our step-by-step tips, detailed instructions, and dozens of customized screenshots help you find your way through the twists and turns of setting the theater, and the performers, to rights.
The Agency of Anomalies: The Last Performance is the third and latest installment of The Agency of Anomalies series, and while I haven’t played the first two games, I can say with confidence: they aren’t necessary to fully enjoy this excellent game.

I’ve been playing a lot of different games lately, but one that really stands out for me is The Agency of Anomalies: The Last Performance. I loved every aspect, from the somewhat cheeky main character to the original and entertaining hidden object areas to the challenging mini-games and puzzles. With that in mind, it was my pleasure to compile and complete this Agency of Anomalies: The Last Performance Walkthrough.
With seven chapters and almost as many special powers to gain, The Agency of Anomalies: The Last Performance is definitely a game that deserves a walkthrough.
While investigating the theater I gathered helpful hints, quick tips, and plenty of screenshots to help you through those moments when you have no idea what’s going on (or what you’re supposed to be doing, for that matter). There's nothing more annoying than getting stuck, so please use this detailed Agency of Anomalies: The Last Performance Walkthrough as a means of avoiding the only downside of playing.