In Ghosts of the Past: Bones of Meadows Town, when the sheriff vanishes without a trace, it's up to you to take his place and lead the investigation of who is behind the recent string of murders that has struck the town of Meadows Town. But with bad weather turning the town into a ghost town and a killer on the loose, you'll find making your way safely around town a bit tricky.
Lucky for you, we've just put the finishing touches on our Ghosts of the Past: Bones of Meadows Town Walkthrough, and it's now ready to guide you safely through the dark alleyways of Meadows Town as you conduct your investigation.

We've included everything you'll need to step through the game safely from start to finish. We'll guide you carefully through your investigation with our detailed directions, custom marked screenshots, and our easy-to-follow puzzle solutions so you'll never have to resort to hitting that dreaded hint button or wander aimlessly without knowing what to do next.
So head on over to our Ghosts of the Past: Bones of Meadows Town Walkthrough whenever you need a helping hand or a nudge in the right direction! Enjoy!