I really have to hand it to the developers of the Final Cut games... they certainly know how to weave a scintillating storyline.
Just when you think you know what's going to happen next, they throw you for a loop and make your head spin with some bizarre plot twist. It's nice to not always know the ending before you even get started, you know?
Well with Final Cut: Encore, we've got one crazy plot that's extremely exciting, packed with edge-of-your-seat action, (well as much as a hidden object game is capable of), but it's also pretty challenging, so we decided to put our heads together and come up with a comprehensive Final Cut: Encore Walkthrough.

This baby is packed full of helpful hints, tips, and advice on how to play the game, along with extremely detailed and easy-to-follow instructions on what to do from the moment you launch into this dark mystery.
We've also included in our Final Cut: Encore Walkthrough tons and tons of custom screenshots, marked with key item locations, as well as solutions to all the puzzles you'll encounter as you play.
So sit back and relax... we've got all your Final Cut questions covered so you never have to miss a moment of the action!