Despicable Me: Minion Rush Review
Despicable Me: Minion Rush features all your favorite minions as they collect bananas, ride fluffy unicorns, and battle fierce villains.
Despicable Me: Minion Rush features all your favorite minions as they collect bananas, ride fluffy unicorns, and battle fierce villains.
I don't know what it is about the minions, but I can't help it... they are adorable, and I want to hug them and squeeze them and name them... Dave? Paul? Kevin? Whatever, it doesn't matter, they are just overflowing with cuteness.
Which is weird for me, because, well, being an adult and not having any children, I don't normally go crazy over animated movies... that's my sister, Liz's, department... she could watch any Disney movie over and over again and still fawn over it. Meanwhile, in the corner, my head is lolling and there's drool coming out.
But there's just something about Despicable Me that wins me over every time. So, when my brother-in-law insisted that the new Despicable Me: Minion Rush was something I had to try... I didn't put up much of a fight. Even though I'm just crap at runner games...
No really, I'm pretty bad at them... quick side story... my husband loves Temple Run 2... and since he's been going through chemo, he hasn't been able to stand the twisting turns of the game, but he apparently NEEDS to get his daily bonuses... so being the good wife that I am, I have attempted to try to get his daily bonuses in the game... it takes me a VERY looooooong time... a ridiculously long time. I do it, eventually, but, it's painful to watch.
Despicable Me: Minion Rush is a little different than Temple Run 2 in that you don't have to always tilt the screen to move back and forth... a technique I have yet to master... or actually perform with any amount of competence. To move around, you simply swipe your finger back and forth, flick up to jump, and flick down to duck. Okay... I can handle that.
That's not to say I'm an expert. I'm still pretty crap at it, but I definitely handle the game mechanics better than Temple Run. Although, there's so much to look at and laugh at, I tend to get distracted a lot easier in this game.
The concept is fairly straightforward. You are a minion whose dream it is to obtain that coveted title of Minion of the Month and even that more illustrious title, Minion of the Year. Now, all you have to do is prove your worth by running through scenes, collecting bananas, flying on fluffy unicorns, riding rockets, and battling villains. Easy peasy right?
Uhhhh sure? Well maybe if you're really coordinated...
Seriously, it's not that bad though. It just takes some getting used to. You do have to be pretty quick fingered to avoid colliding in to the many obstacles in your path... oh and you can fall off the path too if you slide too far... learned that lesson the hard way...
There are plenty of exciting scenes to play in that will need to be unlocked as you play. You can either unlock them by continuing to play or you can pay to unlock them by using tokens, which is Despicable Me: Minion Rush's currency system.
Tokens can also be used to change the costume your minion is wearing... and you're definitely going to get sucked into spending some money here... I mean how can you resist running around dressed as minion ninja, or hula dancer, or Bee-do?! One of my favorite things about the minions is that the don't have any qualms about gender specific clothes. They just dress in whatever they want from hula skirts and coconuts to overalls. It's all good when you're a minion. Just another reason why minion society rules.
Anyhow, you can obviously tell that I absolutely adored Despicable Me: Minion Rush. It's an amazing runner game that's just too ridiculously cute and unbelievably endearing.
It's not impossible to play, even for uncoordinated klutzes like myself, I cackle like a hyena when I play it, seriously, the people in the next hospital room must wonder what is going on over here... oh and it doesn't cost a fortune. It's free to play and it's not necessary to dish out cash to enjoy the game!
So even if you're not super into runner games, if you love you some minions, then it's worth the free download just to check out Despicable Me: Minion Rush.